The Kingdom of heaven s like this.
A man is looking for fine pearls,
and when he finds one that is unusually
fine, he goes and sells everythin he has,
and buys that pearl. Matthew 13:45
Lord Jesus Christ thank you for
showing the Father's plan of salvation.
You spoke of His Kingdom in parables,
help me see God's plan for my life.
That I may treasure your teaching
in my heart to realise God's will.
Beautiful Saviour
A man is looking for fine pearls,

fine, he goes and sells everythin he has,
and buys that pearl. Matthew 13:45
Lord Jesus Christ thank you for
showing the Father's plan of salvation.
You spoke of His Kingdom in parables,
help me see God's plan for my life.
That I may treasure your teaching
in my heart to realise God's will.
Beautiful Saviour
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