

‘’LORD God of our ancestor Jacob, may you be praised forever and ever! You are great and  powerful, glorious, splendid and majestic.   Everything in heaven and earth is yours, and you are king, supreme ruler over all.   All riches and wealth come from you: you rule everything by your strength and power; and you are able to make anyone great, and strong. Now our God, we give you thanks, and we praise your glorious name. “Yet my people and I cannot really give you anything, because everything is a gift from you, and we have only given back what is yours already. You know, O LORD, that we pass through life like exiles and strangers, was our ancestors did. Our days are like a passing shadow and we cannot escape death.    1 Chronicles 29:10-15


Ave Maria Panis Angelicus Laudate Dominum Pie Jesu  by 13 years Old boy Almost Angels This is for my Angel Piano  by Alexander Hail Thou Star of Ocean I just selected some songs just for you to listen. May God grant grace to all. May God's abide in us. Open our hearts to see His marvelous work in our lives. To appreciate His gift of Jesus Christ to us.  Please take time and listen.  The choice we make in life is very important. It will define who we are, and our destination and destinies. H.G.


When God is at work Things you do not expect happens. People are ready to give you a helping hand People are there to see to your daily needs You get gifts and good wishes Some kindness shown .You ask yourself if they are real. When God is at work Favour is at work, grace abounds, You walk in the supernatural When God is at work Faith comes to reality Hope is clear Charity abounds When God is at work. Almighty Father heal our world from COVID-19. The Lords keeps close watch over the whole world, to give strength to those whose hearts are loyal to him. 2 Chro. 16:9


THE HEART OF CHRIST Is an action when expressed towards God's creatures it is like a breath of life. Kindness shown to someone leaves a lasting memory. Everyone need to be shown kindness It is an exchange of positive action among people No matter the race, the culture, It is the essence of life. I believe it is another word for LOVE.  


HAPPY FEAST DAY I LIFT UP MY EYES   I lift up my eyes to you O Lord In worship and to praise your Holy Name. I lift up   my eyes to heaven where your throne is where you reign in majesty I lift up my eyes to you O Lord In Adoration for your greatness. Each time I raise my face, my eyes to you Father in heaven, I say thank you LORD for you alone Is to be Adored, Worshiped and Glorified.


"Never forget that it is at the beginning of each day that God has the necessary grace for the day ready for us.  He knows exactly what opportunities we shall have to sin, and will give us everything we need if we ask him then,  That is why the devil does all he can to prevent us from saying our morning prayers or to make us say them badly." Saint Jean Marie Baptiste Vianney I pray to you, O LORD, and you hear my voice in the morning, at sunrise I offer my prayer and wait for your answer. You are not a God who is pleased with wrongdoing. You cannot stand the sight of the proud,  you hate all wicked people. You destroy all liars and despise violent, deceitful people. But because of your great love,  I can come into your house;; I can worship in your holy Temple and bow down to you in reverence.  Psalm 5:2-7


The holy God of Israel, the LORD who saves you, says: "I am the LORD your God, the one who wants to teach you for your own good and direct you in the way to go.   If only you had listened to my commands! Then blessings would have flowed to you like a stream that never dry!  Victory would have come to you like the waves that roll on the shore. Your descendants would be  as numerous grains of sand; and I would have made sure they were never destroyed. Isaiah 48:17-19 "When pain and suffering, humiliation and fear takes us down into the deepest parts of the self, resurrection is only one thought away. Sr. Joan Chittister O.S.B. Heavenly Father, teach and direct my steps in the way to go.  Help me listen to your voice, direct my heart to obey your command. Give me victory, and bless my descendants. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me. Take away my pains, suffering, humiliation and fear. H.G. Seeking Heaven Alone Image from Google