
Showing posts from 2022


MERCI MON SEIGNEUR Quand je parlerais en langues, celle des hommes et celle des anges. S’il me manque l’amour, je suis un métal qui résonne, une cymbale retentissante. Quand j’aurais le don de prophétie, la science de tous les mystères et de toute la connaissance, quand j’aurais la fois plus totale, celle qui transporte les montagnes, s’il me manque l’amour, je suis rien. 1 corinthiens 13 :1-2  Si Dieu est pour nous qui sera contre nous. Qui nous séparera de l’amour du Christ?  Personne. Merci Seigneur mon Dieu.  


PEACE BE STIL:   Life challenges are problems we encounter as human. No one is exempted. Storms are not permanent, just like the stormy sea. There is only One hope to overcome challenges or stormy weather. Jesus Christ is our hope. Only believe and have faith in Christ. Christ conquered the power of evil and every form of negativity. We have authority in the name of Jesus Christ Mark 4:35-39. He is the Master over every created things and nature. Why are you afraid, why are you worried when He promised us Peace, and told us not to fear?   Yet we carry our fears and challenges with us forgetting we have Christ.   Surrender you fear to Christ. Have courage and believe in His saving grace. Look unto Him, concentrate on Him, the storm will fade away. Sometimes in our challenges it is like God is asleep. He is not listening to our cry for help. What keeps Him awake is our prayer and cry for help. Even when we do not, He is with us to protect us. To guide and guard us accor...


I love to Pray . Prayer is conversation. Each moment I speak from my heart to the One my heart is in communion with. He assures me He is with me always to listen to me. My prayer is my intimacy with God. He knows me through and through so why should I hide from Him.   I pray anytime, anywhere. I talk to God about everything. He is the breath I take. I seek God’s guidance and direction in everything. No matter how insignificance it may seems.   Everything I do revolve around Him. I like telling him everything. My worries,   my plan, my eating, my health, my pains, my disappointment, my joy, and my dressing. I ask to send His Spirit to lead and direct my steps. I place all in His Loving Hands. I want to show God’s glory in my life. I want to be a pattern of good deeds. I want to show love to every creatures as God’s commands. I want to be God's instrument of goodness and glory. God is everything to me. He is my breath. God is the reason for my being. He is my righte...


  MY WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT:  TAKE A STEP Child of God make a move, take a step of faith. God won't part the water until you take the first step in faith. Do not fear. Dearest Child never belittle yourself. Value your worth, your self-esteem. To be humble is not stupidity, or foolishness. You are made to succeed. Do not listen to the negative voice of discouragement. Do not fear to make mistakes take the necessary steps for none is perfect. A step at a time is better than being bound in shame and discouragement Dearest child of God make a move, take a step. It may not be a bold step, but a little step can make a great change. It is never the same, it can never be same for there is a change in your positive move. Think positive, be courageous, be happy. glorialiturgy Believe in God's Word. Believe in yourself. Congratulations for taking a step. You have made a positive move. May your day be fruitful. Simon Said "Master we have worked hard all night l...