Child of God make a move, take a step of faith. God won't part the water until you take the first step in faith. Do not fear.
Dearest Child never belittle yourself. Value your worth, your self-esteem. To be humble is not stupidity, or foolishness. You are made to succeed. Do not listen to the negative voice of discouragement. Do not fear to make mistakes take the necessary steps for none is perfect. A step at a time is better than being bound in shame and discouragement
Dearest child of God make a move, take a step. It may not be a bold step, but a little step can make a great change. It is never the same, it can never be same for there is a change in your positive move. Think positive, be courageous, be happy. glorialiturgy
Believe in God's Word. Believe in yourself. Congratulations for taking a step. You have made a positive move. May your day be fruitful.
Simon Said "Master we have worked hard all night long and caught nothing. But if you say so, I will let down the net for a catch" Luke 5:5.
Simon répondit « Maitre nous avons peiné toute la nuit sans rien prendre : mais, sur ta parole, je vais jeter les fillettes » Luke 5:5 gloriahelg
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