Why are you afraid, why are you worried when He
promised us Peace, and told us not to fear?
Yet we carry our fears and challenges with us forgetting we have
Christ. Surrender you fear to Christ.
Have courage and believe in His saving grace. Look unto Him, concentrate on
Him, the storm will fade away.
Sometimes in our challenges it is like God is
asleep. He is not listening to our cry for help. What keeps Him awake is our
prayer and cry for help. Even when we do not, He is with us to protect us. To
guide and guard us according to His design will for us. The life storms are to
serve and lead us to our destination if only we are willing to rest in the
protective arms of our Redeemer. If only we could trust Him. If only we can
believe in his unfailing love for it is a process we must pass through to be
refined and purified.
Whenever we are confronted with challenges we
should know that God will never abandon us to our adversity. He sent us Jesus
Christ. Jesus Christ is mightier than the stormy waters of life. Jesus Christ
will calm every storm. This is time to pray to God, we must not be distracted
by the challenges we are facing instead we should focus of Christ. Our prayer
life should increase built upon faith in Christ saving power and grace.
We should examine our lives; some storms are
wrong choices we made. They may be wrong associations, and sins committed by
not living the life we are meant to live. We must live examined life and repent
of any wrong doings. We should re-dedicate our lives to God our source if we
have fallen short of God’s grace. God will never abandon us for He will reach
out to us in mercy, and will give us a lasting peace.
Be assured of your victory through Jesus Christ
over every storm you are encountering. The winds and the waves obeyed Christ
word ‘Peace be Still’ whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea or demons or
men or whatever it be, no waters can swallow the ship where it lies for Christ
is the Master over ocean, earth and skies. They shall all obey Christ’s will.
Peace be still. I speak same word over your challenges PEACE BE STILL in the
most Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
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