IF I MEET JESUS Where? He is with me, at daily Mass. Where? in the Blessed Sacrament, he is waiting for me. Where? in every creature I meet. His assurance that he will be with me always till the end of time, and he is smiling, ever pleased to see me come to HIM. Where? in my daily challenges, in danger he is always near to protect me. knowing that he loves me just as I am. He is always there for me. If I meet Jesus, I know it is not If because He is with me always. He is my Saviour. He is the Good Shepherd. He is the true vine, and I am one of his branches, and He will be my LORD always. Take me to a safe refuge, for you are my protector, my strong defence against my enemies. Let me live in your sanctuary all my life; let me find safety under your wings Psalm 61:3-4